Post subject: Custom glass eyes instead of factory plastic eyes

in this posting I suggested a small modification for Z-Onedoll heads: By adding a small piece of plastic, the eyes are moveable much smoother. As far as I can tell, ZO has recently started to do something similar by default in the factory. So enjoy smoothly adjustable eye balls.

Talking about eye balls - Z-Onedoll normally uses full-rounds with 32 mm diameter. For now we'll ignore exceptions like this one (ZO-A12):

Let's take the modification a little further and replace the default plastic eye balls from the factory with glass eye balls…

The eyeballs ZO uses have the same size, but are a bit different than those found in most TPE dolls. In TPE dolls, half-rounds are used. They look like this:

Basically, ZO just adds a back to the half-rounds. I think this is better as afull-round eye ball rotates more natually than a half-round that is padded with cotton balls in the back.

What if you do not like the factory-made plastic eyes? You could try mouth-blown glass eyes like these:

The eyes above are mouth-blown green-blue glass eyes; these are semi-full rounds that nicely play together with a ZO head. They were created by Thomas Eichhorn-Nelson from Lauscha and they are unique specimen - they look a little bit different every time as they are hand-made. With glass eyes like this, your doll will be one of a kind.

You can exchange eyes quite easily. Just be careful not to tear the silicone or to rip off the eye lashes.

That's how a ZO head will look like with eyeballs removed:

There is no mechanics in the eye sockets (unlike Doll Sweet or Sanhui), just silicone.

Remember to add a little piece of plastic foil in the back of the eye sockets and insert the new eye balls.

These glass eyes look more interesting than the factory plastic eyes, don't they?

The picture above was taken with frontal flash so the colors in the glass eyes are better visible. Click on the image to anlarge.

Surgery completed!

That's how the doll looks now (this is a 'Spring' head from Z-Onedoll on a ZO-160/B body):

I think she looks amazing. The default ZO eyes are good, but these are just better.

What do you think?

Skin tones only vaguely match. Doll Sweet's LPink is more yellowish than Z-Onedolls standard skin tone.

In the first pictures, the neck appears too long. Since the M16 connector is threaded, this can be adjusted to some degree.

Placement of the head is good, as far as I can tell. The head sits similarily well on the body as a ZO head.

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See also: